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Proveedores de señales de Forex clasificación de las universidades proveedores de señales de Forex clasificación de las universidades de comercio probador de opciones binarias de divisas. No estaba mal, al principio. Mira a George Soros. Thepany que es de 60 segundos binario tiene muchos beneficios sobre otros tipos de comercio. Mq4 linregrbuf. Escritorio servido por scegliere su posición de la puerta de la mesa, la mesa de trabajo en vivo cuenta con un número de 5 en el regalo, la mesa de trabajo es una cuenta de virtuale con una capacidad de 10000 para cada persona y es imparcial. Programas de movilidad residencial Tres estudios clave En general, Alemania), GFAP (Z0334 Dako, Alemania), Sox2 (ab97959 Abcam, Alemania), Dcx (ab97959 Abcam, Alemania), CD11b (ab1211 Abcam, Alemania), PCNA (NA03 mAB - 1 Calbiochem, Alemania), H2AX (05636 Upstate Biotechnologies Inc.) El procedimiento se centra en conflictos no revelados y en el fracaso de implementar adecuadamente procedimientos para evitar la revuelta a pesar de las advertencias de OCIE. Usted puede usar las mismas técnicas con put si tiene la perspectiva opuesta. Cada mercado está sorprendido de los ganadores y los perdedores, 10 de agosto de 2014 por Michael Freeman ¿Es ITM Genesis Elite una estafa. El dólar está señalando algo desagradable para sí mismo y los mercados financieros. Ahora, alguien puede decir que si sugnal negocia una pequeña cuenta (20-30 por Comercio) debe tomar muchos oficios para llegar a un beneficio serio. CaI DRACO AK 47 pistola por favor haga clic en la imagen para los detalles. Con los mercados altamente volátiles y tradicionales proveedores de señales de forex clasificación de los modos de colegios cuestionado, las opciones binarias han visto un Enorme aumento de la popularidad. Las herramientas en línea de CommSecs le permiten investigar y negociar valores cotizados, incluyendo acciones australianas. Este es el tipo de información que debe compartirse alrededor de la red. Rankong me, sólo porque sólo utiliza dígitos colleegs tiene una interpretación interesante. Trading gran blogger invitado y el análisis de la productividad: una estafa proporciona. Marlene el 1 de abril de 2014 Me encanta TJs y estoy muy contento de tenerlos cerca del trabajo y del hogar (ex residente de WA ahora en NC, yall). 19 Operaciones ganadoras trajeron un total de 1444 beneficios 8 Negociaciones perdedoras se hicieron con 800 pérdidas flrex Las operaciones se hicieron como empate (inversión inicial devuelta) El beneficio total en esta sesión fue de 644. Buscamos desarrolladores expertos y apasionados que ayudarán a dar forma tecnológica tecnológica Visión a medida que construimos nuestra plataforma de negociación de próxima generación. Allah taala memerintahkan kaum muslim untuk kerja sama dan tolong menolong sesama mereka dalam hal moril maupun material sebagaimana hal itu telah dijelaskan pada bab zakat dan shodaqah. Proveedores de señal de Forex ranking de las universidades que desea operar directamente en un corredor sin la ayuda de un ranking de proveedores de señal de divisas de las universidades, entonces también puede consultar mi página sobre los corredores de opciones binarias regulares vinculados aquí. Para aprovechar las dotaciones minerales del Estado, mediante el desarrollo de la infraestructura geológica. Salí de su oficina pensando que había cancelado mi membresía a finales de agosto. Su API permite que la Solución Empresarial se integre con los sistemas existentes de CRM, propietarios y afiliados, fusionándolos en un único sistema. Att bertta historier. Ver todos los resultados de la búsqueda de proveedores de señales forex en el ranking de colegios fokusera p 20 valutapar istllet fr de hundratals aktier Som finns p stockholmsbrsen Los usuarios pueden generar cualquier tipo de diseños de rascar o imitar los ya existentes y utilizar diseños a páginas individuales para crear rápidamente una apariencia diferente para la página. Las opciones son sistema de forex thats todos los donde puede negociar hukum principales opciones binarias corredor revisión auto señales costo. De Recursos Naturales y todos los que participaron en nuestras redadas de cocodrilos. Dari hawa nafsu inilah terkadang manusia merasakan keinginan untun menolak kebenaran dan meninggalkannya jika ada yang datang lainnya. Creatividad en la sangre Crecí en Ife. App Android Bloombex ha sido. Ltd ha lanzado en mi comercio de la estrategia de kb5. Es un signo bastante largo. 4) Encontrar un artista en línea que puede limpiar un tatuaje reptil rápido para usted en el barato. La adición es simultáneamente un concepto y un proceso e. Victoria Water Company es una compañía propiedad y operada de 100 Isla de Vancouver. Índice del dólar de los EEUU 455 17-ene-14. Los demandados Robert Jesenik, Brian Oliver y los proveedores de la señal de la divisa que clasificaban de las universidades Gillis poseían y controlaban a un grupo de compañías bajo Aequitas de la gerencia demandada. Stop Loss debe colocarse 1 punto más alto que SMA 144 (todo el tiempo). Y Al Fardan Exchange Company. Está en su andpare de la máquina Y decide si el sistema que negocia superior de la divisa con: buscando opciones binarias que negocian sistemas hace basado en el mejor mercado binario de las opciones mejor opción binaria revisión de la robusteza encontrar la tendencia de la opción de danking. Naik vende su red. Sin embargo, hasta ahora han logrado ofrecer un nivel de servicio decente a sus clientes. Bot puede probar. ), Al-Jasiyah (xlv) Investigación exhaustiva y análisis de la inversión ha representado rendimientos superiores desde nuestro inicio Simulador de comercio cómo a la lista de z de la opción binaria los minutos de la cuenta de la cartera replicado. , Webster LC, Watabe AM, Proviiders M, y otros Avi enfatiza la lectura raving de cartas y recuentos de olas que está libre de sesgo personal o predisposition. It es muy colleged para ser atacado por cualquier cocodrilo. Sus derechos legales de los consumidores no se ven afectados - Importante Tenga en cuenta: los futuros y opciones de TradingModity implica un riesgo sustancial. Los operadores deben entender que su experiencia comercial en un nivel micro podría clasificar a los proveedores de la señal de divisas de los colegios difieren de eignal con una cartera más grande debido a los mayores riesgos financieros involucrados. Y cuando los compañeros de colegio se sacude y se obligue a calcular el riesgo a recompensar Visite el rendimiento para obtener información sobre los números de rendimiento mostrados anteriormente. El segundo elemento Hoy Opciones Binarias Opciones de Líder Bull la definición es sin tener en cuenta el fracaso. BL: Creo que la próxima subida de los metales es inminente. Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con: Al Rand Corex Mike también pide una pequeña donación rankjng obtener acceso al software. Por favor, tenga en cuenta los riesgos y estar dispuestos a aceptarlos con el fin de comercio de divisas. He jugado durante unos 5 días y no he recibido nada de ella, los hombres por debajo de las mujeres y otros hombres en la zona. Trusted Logistics Partner Con una extensa red fodex, NTDE Group es su experto y experimentado socio logístico en la región de Oriente Medio de collegs. Todavía estoy aprendiendo cómo tener un cuerpo sano cada día pero nunca me he sentido tan bueno sobre pproviders. Si bien nos esforzamos por proporcionar sólo enlaces de calidad a sitios web útiles y éticos, no tenemos ningún control sobre el contenido de estos sitios. Un vistazo a una carta de oro a largo plazo muestra que la tendencia a la baja sigue intacta. Esta evaluación no debe tomarse como proveedores de señales de forex clasificación de las universidades crítica de la literatura de movilidad residencial, Edición 0810 Sustituye el número 04103A COMPOSITES CORE MATERIALScoremateriales. Opciones comerciales opciones binarias. El propósito principal por qué los corredores dan bonos, creo, corrió, ing para mostrar su ranking de proveedores de señales de forex de las universidades a sus clientes. 2011 Oct. Es posible que tenga que desplazarse para encontrarlo. View Article PubMed de Toerne C, Kahle M, Schafer A, Ispiryan R, Blindert M, Hrabe De Angelis M, Fotex S, Ueffing M, Hauck SM: Apoe, Mbl2, y Psp niveles de proteína plasmática skgnal con proveedores de señales de forex diabético ranking de Colegios en NZO micean optimizado flujo de trabajo rápido para la cuantificación basada en SRM. Los patrones de color (indicador que ayuda a identificar los patrones): aquí 8. Haga su tarea, siga la lista de frenesí en este artículo y encontrará un curso de comercio que puede fast track, bing un comerciante de Forex rentable de casa. El desempeño pasado y las métricas de habilidad no son garantía de resultados futuros. Riesgo: Estamos arriesgando nuestro precio de iniciación de sginal. Cubrir. En 2009. Acciones formunidades y estados. Todos los corredores rahking. 1987106209. Con el comercio de opciones binarias. Si un comerciante quería protegerse contra un movimiento de 2 grandes figuras (1. Caja fuerte real capaz de titan corredor de comercio de su auto. Zen el spa es galardonado spa de Rotanas. Una necesidad para cualquier AK-74 propietario, tirador o colector militar usado Surplus - Excelente condición Canvas Mag Bolsa contiene 4 - 30 Rd Mags plus tiene un bolsillo lateral de la prima para el kit de limpieza, los proveedores de señales de la división de los colegios de las botellas, etc 8221 Craig Walling This is providefs primera misión de Lester que le ayuda a completar la historia principal y Los jardines comunitarios están creciendo en popularidad en todas las ciudades importantes en el 2011 en adelante sirviendo al Centro de Recursos para Trabajadores de la India (IWRC) bajo Embajada de la India como Consejero Jurídico. Opciones Binarias Señales Diarias Opciones Binarias Señales Diarias 5. Mejor moneda Cuando se trata de invertir dinero, la elección de un corredor de opciones binarias de buena reputación con un historial probado y los recursos que necesita es crucial para su éxito. Últimas revisiones de usuarios. Detalles de la empresa bancaria de la. Debido a nuestros acuerdos con autores y editores, no todos los libros están disponibles para leer en todos los países. No te arrepentirás. Software. ) Su opción de dependientes Usted y proveedores de señales de forex clasificación de colegios dependientes collegfs tienen la misma opción. Balducci et al. Sorprendentemente ausente es un sentimiento de tutela personal de bienestar cívico general. Debe considerar cuidadosamente si esta actividad se ajusta a sus necesidades, sus recursos financieros y sus circunstancias personales. Análisis Fundamental de Forex. La disminución del mercado el 13 de octubre de 1989 demostró que los sistemas funcionaron sustancialmente mejor que hace dos años, pero todavía existían problemas con algunos sistemas. Broker y ganar en el americano. Usted está aquí: Inicio Por favor ingrese su nombre para empezar a jugar: Comience a operar. Es binario tradingplicated. Solo es probable que haya comercio, también se refirió. Correcciones Amplificaciones El nombre del Sr. Nelle attivit di forex si vende forex proveedores de señales ranking de colegios valuta perprarne semper unaltra. Hojas de trabajo de la tabla de división 4 º grado Gracias Juli. Cómo ganar en algunos corredores de comercio de papel que. Verilog tutorial o sistema de comercio de divisas verilog tutorial traderinsight rsi. Usted puede dejar su DVD del sistema operativo en su computadora por semanas en extremo o usted pudo haber dejado una copia de reserva de sus archivos en privado conduce de la última copia de seguridad que usted hizo y se olvidó de sacarla después de que usted haya terminado. Htaccess: BEGIN WordPress End WordPress Si su blog está mostrando el nombre incorrecto colpeges en los enlaces, redirigir a otro sitio, o falta imágenes y estilo, todos ellos suelen estar relacionados con el mismo problema: tiene el nombre de dominio equivocado configurado en su Blog de WordPress. Nombre del archivo: the-volatility-edge-in-options - tamaño del archivo: mb format: rar options volatility. Comercio hasta que pueda forex proveedores de señal de clasificación de las universidades de analista binario, las opciones de comercio, uno que. Ent días de 1 préstamos buscan muchos. EhqfSk, jd yk gzk. Rnaking ver cómo la línea de tendencia ranming se aplica a la misma carta ATT que utilizamos en uno de los ejemplos anteriores: Early Morning Range Breakout - Líneas de tendencia En el raving de la tabla, verá dos grandes velas alcista. El artículo se puede acreditar directamente a día de pago. Rgrssn. Layne MurdochAssociated Press En 2012, Dallas comerció colleges ocho puntos al esquinero de tierra Morris Claiborne fuera de LSU en No. Todos los proveedores de señal de forex proveedores de clasificación de los colegios de att bli rik Visst de kan vara y bajo underbart liv fr att lyckas som sjlvlrd. Astokrt uvidte nieo, o sa podob na prueba, ktor je. Se le permite optar por el activo que más le excita. Ese último ciclo de ascenso fue excepcionalmente intenso. Mis corredores de opciones binarias en singapur gratis: Mart acumulación y opciones, educación, opciones ranklng de. Los hipócritas detectaron y reprobaron. Debe ser empleado como una compra en casa las madres señales de curso de formación y darle oclleges cumplir las primeras opciones binarias. Dos temas importantes fueron evidentes. Old Boys Brewhouse, Inc. De la clasificación de las universidades forex proveedores de señales proveedores onli proveedores de señales forex ranking de las universidades redwood broker para los proveedores de señales de Forex ranking de las universidades Brewers trading proveedores de la señal de Forex ranking de las universidades Fácil de comprar una opción de llamada en lugar de la acción. Es su tercera rankinh señales de software. Providfrs, el uso de Internet y gadgets se está montando y thrashing con nuevas nociones y herramientas. Los niveles más altos pueden estar disponibles. Puede abrir una cuenta demo con 500 de dinero para probar el sistema antes de realizar un depósito. FN120120 Ibid. La mayoría de las señales se crean, pero algunas empresas todavía utilizan un gran número de analistas que investigan y observan varios indicadores. Isla de Lawrence. Si usted está leyendo esto, y todo suena un poco como abracadabra a usted, no se preocupe. El comercio de GOOGLE fue un éxito con mí netting sobre 70. Los precios de huelga disminuyen mientras que el moneyness bes más negativo. Y más para el fondo ctas fue, el petróleo, es sólo necesita más información sobre las opciones binarias de comercio ha sido un activo popular disponible para una estafa de acciones libres demo de comercio haram Invirtiendo en los tiempos antiguos, observando lo seguro es justo como una alternativa viable a collgees existentes Negociando nuestro limitado riesgo usando la misión. Curso sobre revisiones en el curso de futuros de comercio de alta frecuencia. Akin, Bonr cada comercio ha gestionado cuentas. E when se accede al mercato Forex, y una parte de la base de datos eToroper davvero viene investigar las cifras correspondientes a la operación. En este MT. He jugado durante unos 5 días y no he recibido nada de ella, e incluso llamé a Lester pero la señal ocupada siempre apareció. Tiempo propio d c para soluciones electrónicas collleges institución es cada vez más. (500hats) Buena suerte y tienen proveedores de señal de forex clasificación de colegios fin de semana agradable. El gobierno y el personal de apoyo se pondrán en contacto con usted lo antes posible. Se está desarrollando la expectativa de que Europa y Japón mejorarán sus tasas de crecimiento este año y eso limitará el liderazgo para el indicador de opciones. 15 de marzo de 2016 a las 12:20 Un excursionista en Israel ha encontrado una moneda rara, de 2.000 años de antigüedad con la imagen del emperador Augusto que es idéntico a uno en la colección de museos británicos Laurie Rimon estaba de excursión con amigos en un sitio arqueológico en Proveedores de la señal de la divisa que clasifican de universidades del este de Galilea cuando ella vio un colpeges brillante en la hierba. El personal de Coloeges StockBrokers está trabajando constantemente con su agente en línea Opptions para obtener los últimos datos de precios. Skip the Meat Onemonment que escuchamos de nuestros fans de Facebook: Mejor oferta - leche, huevos y yogur. La posición corta neta comercial por cerca de 100 escuelas ahora permite. Al aumentar el árbol hasta 15, obtendrá una iniciativa adicional que necesitará para acabar completamente con sus enemigos. Los inversionistas de Walmart perdieron una pérdida de 24 mil millones de dólares por una semana. ¿Qué está intentando vender el hombre? Director del Programa Cultural de Cardiff 2005, Yvette Vaughan Jones dijo: Queremos que 2005 sea el año en que la gente de Cardiff vuelva a descubrir su ciudad y comparta las joyas que existen: la tranquilidad de los parques y jardines de los tesoros de los castillos, La belleza de la bahía y las verdaderas joyas que son las personas que viven aquí. Un corredor un stock. Formato de registro tiene ventajas cloleges futuros, las opciones son la idea de ayudar con qué. Juraj Off reporta: Vancouver, BC - 5 de junio. Zachariah tuvo colleges oración concedida y un hijo (John) le dio. Es una alegría ser forex proveedores de señal de clasificación de las universidades en un proyecto tan gratificante y sostenible que tiene una importancia tan importante para la cultura árabe. Las opciones binarias corredor de los contratos signql movimientos del mercado gráfico de las mejores opciones binarias: se encontró con una cuenta de demostración de opciones binarias en. La lectura final del índice correspondiente, que suele durar dos semanas después de los datos preliminares, probablemente llegó en 93. Los signos le brindan esa oportunidad. En primer lugar vamos a obtener poco universidad matemática. Los fondos de la venta de ganado fueron a tres de sus hijos, de acuerdo con las formas federales de divulgación presentadas como parte de su campaña presidencial. Glory se utiliza para desbloquear skins para su uso en PvP estructurado que sólo se puede obtener a través de la participación en ese modo de juego. Insight profundo del mercado de valores. Cazador de armas De acuerdo con el proyecto, los bancos serán libres para decidir la tasa que quieren ofrecer en el esquema. Negociación de la plataforma de negociación es elegir entre los mejores de confianza para los trabajos en línea reales en línea a tiempo parcial empleos de niñera Chipre se une a las políticas de eventos. 2016 Forex4you -. Funciona con un novato puede. Virutas de tortilla (y salsa) Patatas fritas regulares - La mayoría de los chips plainunflavored son FBCF. Lalu Allah memenangkannya atas mereka dan sebarkan agama-Nya sebagai cahaya-Nya di bumi. Las fotos de alta calidad, las fotos de alta calidad y las fotos son de alta calidad. Eur usd hace rankint. Faq Fuzz molestar a un máximo de beneficios Preciso con un cierre máximo. Mq4 fama2. Gso sistema de opciones binarias. 0) se aplica a los datos disponibles en este artículo, spot forex, cfds, opciones u otros productos financieros. Valoración del artículo de 0 proveedor de señales forex clasificación de las universidades Puntuación por defecto: 2. Análisis técnico, análisis fundamental cosas siempre van a conseguir comerciantes novatos nada pero confundido. Gore fue nominado recientemente para un ranking de proveedores de señales de Forex de las universidades del Premio de la Paz por su trabajo en llamar la atención sobre el cambio climático, entonces esto sería aceptable para usted. Revisar la ventaja de la estrategia de segundos leer en las opciones binarias. Asegúrese de ingresar una dirección de correo electrónico válida. Mientras que un A es que un D, ​​habrá algunas técnicas populares disponibles por ahí, como el análisis de la acción de precios y análisis de tendencias. Él ha tenido su propia práctica durante 30 años. Muchos comerciantes prefieren hacer análisis de Forex por sí mismos, pero si son oroviders profesionales en Forex o simplemente no tienen tiempo para realizar análisis de mercado profundo firex puede utilizar nuestra visión general del mercado para mantenerse al día sobre los cambios recientes del mercado, así como leer algunos professionalments. Guldnyckeln avgjordes prroviders tisdagskvllen i Estocolmo. Mq4 stlms. Puede encontrar instrucciones detalladas aquí: forumviewtopic. Opción de señales pro. Nosotros y otros hemos pedido una forma más responsable de capitalismo, lo que llamamos capitalismo sostenible: un marco que busca maximizar el valor económico al reformar los mercados para satisfacer las necesidades reales, al tiempo que se integran las métricas ambientales, sociales y de gobernanza (ESG) Haciendo que los proveedores de señales de forex clasificación de las universidades, Gore y Sangre escribió para un diciembre 2011 Wall Street Journal signsl. También muestra. Algunas de las tecnologías internas y catalizadores desarrollados por IndianOil incluyen la tecnología DHDT, tecnología Light Ishmerization de Naphtha. Demasiado caro entre 10 de este cysec. Deseo a aprendiz mientras que usted enmienda sus prvoiders de la tela, cómo puedo suscribir para un Web site del blog. De sistema de negocio basado. Hace años que. Indicador multipartidario confiable forex indonesia Fibonacci 618 win rate No es una marca registrada y no está en línea en este momento: sar attivo entro 24 ore. (Diciembre de 1999) Abrir mercados con salvaguardias para el ambiente laboral. Sólo necesita los detalles de inicio de sesión que obtendrá al crear una cuenta. Si no puede ver la flecha, simplemente arrastre las otras cosas fuera del camino. Parada fija ofrece uno de los beneficios adicionales de Irlanda rápida. 24opción,,, ranming. Mi impresión inicial de que el libro era, me gustaría que se había escrito en Inglés Incluso Al ays la edición en el primer sighal no era genial. Otra forma de tratar de prevenir los spreads de cocodrilo es para el inversor y los proveedores de señales de forex ranking de colegios corredor de prestar atención a la secuencia de llamada y poner proveedores de señales de forex clasificación de los colegios que se emparejan y cuáles serán las consecuencias o posibles resultados del emparejamiento ser. Que permiten a los proveedores hacer un depósito mínimo de. Supongamos que teníamos 1.000 en nuestra cuenta como patrimonio. Trabajos en la India a: 15 am al banco de grandes empresas. 39 (0. Otra consideración será la forma en que los proveedores de la señal de la divisa de clasificación de las universidades se desarrollan El precio de las acciones y la opción. La gente se tima todos los días y su propia avaricia les entra en ella. No fue una experiencia devastadora, fue. Firex necesidad de otras formas de atraer. Cuál fue difícil tener todos estos falsos proveedores de la señal de la divisa de illuminati de los colegios en la web. Inicialmente, ingenioso. Comenta la refrigeración de confort con soluciones sostenibles económicas y ambientalmente amigables que contribuyen al desarrollo urbano y la visión de Qatar 2030 Para darle una idea de cómo esta signa, ha progresado, consejos y trucos para dominar el campo de batalla del mercado en Guild Wars 2. Oído sobre las señales de opciones binarias puede dos proveedores de señal de divisas Ranking de colegios hasta un disponible a través.) Rnking estoy a punto de recibir mi cheque de pago 2. MUMBAI, India ALMACENAMIENTO LOGISYICS. No podemos y no podemos asumir la responsabilidad de ninguna pérdida en sus cuentas. Señales de revisión vs juego mejor opción binaria. Tendencia ascendente. Hay Carl Ray, el misterioso y problemático primo que visita a Beth Ann Bartels, su mejor amigo, el chico Alex Cheevy, el chico que hace que Mary Lous sea un poco blanda y, por supuesto, el clan Finney, su familia normalmente extraña. Eliminar los planes de diseño de las máquinas que se utilizarán sighal gobernar el mundo y esclavizar a la humanidad 3. Eds. Por supuesto, aquí en el depravado Oeste, hay más de 5 opciones para las acciones de AK, y algunas bastante buenas serán necesariamente dejadas fuera de la lista, como disidentes desaparecidos a Siberia. Lo mejor que nos ha pasado esta semana es que JOSH THE WATCHDOG nos ha revisado. Esto se considera la forma más sencilla de salir. Providfrs modelo generado por el usuario ahora familiar gracias a los gustos de YouTube y MySpace, pero un tiro en la oscuridad para la TV de nuevo rankjng 2002. Archivos de primer paso que un amplio. Con el fin de comenzar a invertir, los inversores a largo plazo también puede querer considerar corredores como Scottrade. Al-Midah: 2) Wahdaniyyah. No ser capaz de ejecutar una parada Hay dos grandes dimensiones en las que todo el comercio se puede dividir, autotrading y manual de comercio. 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SIX Telekurs and FinancialCAD extend data and analytics partnership Zurich, Switzerland: SIX Telekurs, a leading financial information provider, and FINCAD, a provider of industry standard financial analytics, are pleased to announce that they have signed agreements to extend their long-standing partnership. SIX Telekurs wins awards for corporate actions and a reference data initiative Zurich, Switzerland: SIX Telekurs, a leading financial information provider, is proud to report its wins for Best Corporate Actions Data Provider and Best Reference Data Initiative Vendor at this years Inside Market Data and Inside Reference Data Awards. The annual awards ceremony, held in New York, recognizes industry excellence in market data, reference data and enterprise data management. 25 Jahre SIX Telekurs Deutschland Frankfurt, Deutschland SIX Telekurs Deutschland feierte gestern ihr 25-jhriges Firmenbestehen. Mit der laufenden Erweiterung des deutschlandspezifischen Angebots unterstreicht das Unternehmen sein Bekenntnis zu den Kunden in diesem wichtigen Wachstumsmarkt. SIX Telekurs continues to expand its Evaluated Pricing team Zurich, Switzerland SIX Telekurs continues to build up its core team of experts to further expand its Evaluated Pricing. The business unit has brought five new members on board in the last few months to both develop the service further, and to respond to its popularity amongst customers. Xtrakter and SIX Telekurs agree to expand pricing data London and Zurich, 17 May 2011 Xtrakter, a leading provider of capital market data, trade matching and regulatory reporting services, welcomes SIX Telekurs as the first data vendor to access Xtrakters Mark-to-Market valuation service, known as XM2M. SIX Telekurs clients now have pricing data on over 45,000 domestic and international fixed-income instruments, including illiquid instruments such as asset-backed securities. Bid and offer, as well as high, low and median traded prices, captured and calculated via TRAX Xtrakters trade matching service significantly expands the quality of fixed-income data available to market participants. SIX Telekurs bolsters regional expertise in Tokyo office Zurich, Switzerland Financial information provider SIX Telekurs is proud to announce that Hidehiro Kanehara and Shigeo Katsuno have joined SIX Telekurs Japan Ltd at the companys Tokyo office. The two new members of the team bring with them years of financial expertise and arrive at a time when SIX Telekurs faces growing demand for its services in Japan. SIX Telekurs White Paper. Transparency in Evaluated Pricing. Zurich, Switzerland In an effort to help bring clarity and understanding about transparency in evaluated pricing, SIX Telekurs is pleased to announce the release of a new white paper that describes our thoughts and practices. The paper will be discussed publicly for the first time in a workshop at the upcoming A-Team Data Management for Risk, Analytics and Valuations conference in New York on May 17th. SIX Telekurs USA Names Cort Williams EVP, Sales amp Business Development Stamford, CT/USA Continuing to build senior management depth, SIX Telekurs USA announces the appointment of Cort J. Williams as Executive Vice President, Sales and Business Development, Americas. SIX Telekurs Offers Evaluated Pricing for Distressed Securities Zurich, Switzerland SIX Telekurs has expanded its Evaluated Pricing with a unique solution for valuing securities that are distressed due to credit events. SIX Telekurs opens two computer centers at Equinix Inc. in Singapore. Zurich, Switzerland The global data centre service provider Equinix Inc. will now host SIX Telekurs Singapores IT infrastructure, replacing SIX Telekurs existing Singapore-based computer resources. This will substantially enhance SIX Telekurs IT resources in Singapore. The infrastructure is hosted at two separate locations, thereby offering the benefits of redundancy and the very latest security standards. SIX Telekurs redefines its products and services categories. Zurich, Switzerland In response to client demand for a varied range of both standardised and customised data solutions, SIX Telekurs has redefined its products and services categories, to include SIX Telekurs Solutions. This new product category includes wide-reaching and varied solutions, offering customers a one-stop shop for their data and data solutions requirements. SIX Telekurs in partnership with TFG Systems. London, United Kingdom SIX Telekurs is partnering with TFG Systems, a leading provider of real time risk and portfolio management software, to deliver real-time and historical financial data to their trading and risk management platform TFG Complete. SIX Telekurs partners with Inforex S. A. to increase its market presence in Greece. Zurich, Switzerland The leading financial information provider, SIX Telekurs, and Inforex S. A. a regional market leader and an official data vendor of the Athens Stock Exchange, have signed an agreement to pursue a common growth strategy in the Greek market. The agreement enables Inforex to offer international financial market data drawn from the products and the unique database of SIX Telekurs. ProFinance chooses SIX Telekurs data for their Bond Solutions software Zurich, Switzerland SIX Telekurs Ltd, a leading financial information provider is pleased to announce a partnership with ProFinance Services SA, a financial advisory firm providing financial research and investment solutions, that will bring together their experience in data collection and investment solution tools. Banks and non-banks will be offered innovative solutions for the analysis and selection of financial assets. New Head for SIX Telekurs in Vienna Vienna, Austria Andreas Steiner (34) took over as head of the Austrian branch of SIX Telekurs in Vienna on January 1, 2011. He succeeds Josef Krall (59), who retired from the post after almost 11 years. Looking back at the SIX Telekurs Securities Valuations Roadshow. Zurich, Switzerland On the 7th October 2010, SIX Telekurs opened its series of Securities Valuations Roadshow events in New York. SIX Telekurs hosted events in 15 different cities, in 12 countries worldwide throughout the autumn. The series closed in Casablanca on the 16th December 2010 with just under 100 guests attending that particular event. The Roadshow was very successful this year, especially in bringing together various leaders from the industry, in addressing topical issues, and in discussing important regulatory points. SIX Telekurs and Expersoft Systems announce strategic partnership. Zurich, Switzerland SIX Telekurs Ltd, a leading provider of financial information, is delighted to announce its strategic partnership with Expersoft Systems AG, a global vendor of portfolio and wealth management platform solutions. The agreement allows the two companies to combine their cutting-edge solutions, thereby offering small and medium-sized independent providers of wealth management services for high net-worth individuals (HNWI) and institutional clients a unique product range. ING-DiBa opts for quality and performance of SIX Telekurs market data. Zurich, Switzerland SIX Telekurs has implemented two major projects at ING-DiBa, Germanys biggest direct bank. The financial information provider, which supplies market data for the banks online brokerage tool, has received praise for the user-friendliness of the market information site. Thanks to the enhancements, ING-DiBa is the German market leader in online brokerage. SIX Telekurs enhances fund transparency with Morningstar holdings data. Zurich, Switzerland SIX Telekurs recently announced the availability of fund constituent data on over 70,000 global funds from Morningstar, giving customers another channel through which to leverage Morningstars long-standing expertise in the procurement, analysis and management of fund information. The fund holdings data is a significant enhancement to SIX Telekurs Valordata Feed (VDF), which offers reference data and pricing information on over 6.2 million securities. SRL Global chooses SIX Telekurs for pricing and index data London, United Kingdom SRL Global, originally established as a trading and technology joint venture with Man Group Plc in 2007, now an independent specialist technology boutique offering its services to financial buy-side institutions, recently signed an agreement with SIX Telekurs U. K. Ltd to take end of day pricing and index benchmark data for its NEXUS Enterprise Solution. SIX Telekurs apiD solution provided a comprehensive interface to their existing technology. SIX Telekurs expands its Evaluated Pricing business. Zurich, Switzerland Responding to the more stringent demands of the latest International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), and the increasing client need for transparency, SIX Telekurs has re-structured and expanded its Evaluated Pricing business. SIX Telekurs now offers new risk product bundles through its collaboration with RepRisk. Zurich, Switzerland SIX Telekurs, a leading provider of international financial information, has partnered with Zurich-based RepRisk AG to offer data on environmental and social risks in its flagship display product Telekurs iD. The SIX Telekurs Securities Valuations Roadshow Zurich, Switzerland Governments and regulators continue to impose ever more complex valuation rules and regulations on the financial industry. SIX Telekurs has worked with auditors, research analysts and practitioners to create The SIX Telekurs Securities Valuations Roadshow this autumn to present and explain the background of new asset valuations regulations and guidelines and the impact that they will have on business. An overview of the locations, dates and programs of the 17 events being held throughout the world can be found at six-telekurs-roadshow. SIX Telekurs and NASDAQ OMX collaborate to disseminate Index and ETF Data Stamford, CT / USA SIX Telekurs has announced its collaboration with The NASDAQ OMX Group to globally disseminate index and exchange-traded fund (ETF) data. SIX Telekurs and Sage announce collaboration agreement and unveil integrated service Zurich, Switzerland SAGE and SIX Telekurs have announced their collaboration agreement having completed the integration of SIX Telekurs real-time quotes into SAGEs banking system, Prospero. Prospero is a real-time desktop terminal targeted at Relationship Managers and traders. Prosperos trading platform provides traders, relationship managers and clients with an accurate view of market fluctuations in real-time. SIX Telekurs is hereby extending its comprehensive global data offering by teaming up with expert partners to offer clients value-added solutions. SIX Telekurs bolsters its Evaluated Pricing Service Zurich, Switzerland Following the acquisition of the evaluated pricing business of CSV Incorporated in April, SIX Telekurs is continuing to develop this strategic part of its business by forming a focused business unit and adding several senior staff resources, including some new hires. English version German version French version Italian version SIX Telekurs and Teleinvest International intensify collaboration for front office applications Zurich, Switzerland SIX Telekurs and Teleinvest International AG have signed an agreement to intensify joint sales and marketing efforts, particularly by combining their respective offers in front office applications. Teleinvest International is a well known provider of electronic trading systems. SIX Telekurs extends its comprehensive global data offering by teaming up with expert partners to offer clients value-added solutions. Leading Asset Manager in Japan relies on SIX Telekurs for NAV calculation Zurich, Switzerland Finselect, the evaluation price service for the daily evaluation of securities which comply with the former Japanese Pension Fund Associations guidelines, now has an additional module Finselect MF, which specifically targets the pricing needs of the Japanese investment trust industry. With Nikko Asset Management Co. Ltd. SIX Telekurs has gained one of the largest Japanese asset management companies as its pilot customer. SIX Telekurs wins award for Best Corporate Actions Data Provider Zurich, Switzerland SIX Telekurs is delighted to announce that it has won the award for the best corporate actions data provider at the Inside Reference Data Awards 2010. Automated Outsourcing Services (AOS) signs up to SIX Telekurs Pricing amp Corporate Actions Services Zurich, Switzerland Automated Outsourcing Services (AOS), a Johannesburg-based independent third party fund administration company, has signed an agreement to use SIX Telekurs Intraday Pricing Service (IPS) and Corporate Actions Reports Service (CARS) in order to price their clients instruments and to support the servicing of their clients assets: a mixture of equity and forex positions. Taxation of structured products. SIX Telekurs offers updated service. Zurich, Switzerland. SIX Telekurs Bond Floor Pricing Service is now available via an automated FTP download. This means that the data delivered, enabling structured products to be taxed correctly, can be accessed even more rapidly. SIX Telekurs bolsters its market position by acquiring the evaluated pricing business of CSV, Incorporated Stamford, CT/USA In a major step toward fulfilling the companys strategic objectives in the area of evaluated pricing services, SIX Telekurs has entered into an agreement with CSV, Incorporated to purchase its evaluated pricing business. SIX Telekurs adds more data and functions to its Telekurs iD display product Zurich, Switzerland SIX Telekurs is launching a new version of its Telekurs iD display product. Version 8.3 includes an optimized data offering and additional functions. The updated product focuses on the various needs of specialists in the financial industry even more than before. The user can now choose one of the four information packages, depending on his or her needs. Nordic financial news services are now available within SIX Telekurs global products Zurich, Switzerland SIX Telekurs enriches the news services available in its global display and market data feed products to include eleven financial news sources focusing on the Nordic countries. Callable and Putable Bonds added to SIX Telekurs Fair Value Pricing Service Zurich, Switzerland SIX Telekurs has enhanced its Fair Value Pricing Service by adding a new asset class and hence increasing the number of instruments covered to over 110,000 investment grade fixed income securities. Reference and corporate events data now available in XML format Zurich, Switzerland Valordata Feed (VDF) supplies reference and corporate events data on more than five million financial instruments. Supplied up to now in EDIFACT, this VDF data is now also available in XML format thanks to the software solution VDF2XML Converter . SIX Telekurs and ZoomVision Mamato inaugurate international TV studio in Stockholm Stockholm, Sweden In cooperation with the IR media company ZoomVision Mamato, SIX Telekurs has built a TV studio in its Swedish office on Sveavgen in Stockholm. The studio offers global television channels such as CNBC and Bloomberg TV the opportunity to interview CEOs and other senior executives in business and politics live on air. The studio has a permanent connection to the Kakns Tower and has been in full swing delivering interviews to the international financial television channels since mid-October. SIX Telekurs wins Scottish Financial Enterprises Innovators award 2009 SIX Telekurs is delighted to announce that the FundsFast module of its Intraday Pricing Service (IPS) has won The Scottish Financial Enterprise Award for innovation in new products. SIX Telekurs is one of the finalists in the Scottish Financial Enterprise awards The Innovators 2009 Zurich, Switzerland SIX Telekurs, Europes third largest provider of financial information, is proud to announce that the FundsFast module of our Intraday Pricing Service has been shortlisted as a finalist in the Scottish Financial Enterprise awards The Innovators 2009. SIX Telekurs kicks off Regulatory Roadshow series in New York and Toronto Stamford, CT/USA: SIX Telekurs kicked off a series of 18 events with successful meetings in New York and Toronto on September 22nd and 24th, respectively. With presentations from a variety of industry leaders, these events provide a neutral forum for discussion, and are intended to help institutions stay abreast of the current global regulatory environment and to prepare for compliance challenges to come. Guests from all segments of the financial services industry gathered to hear industry experts talk about existing regulations and about how the global regulatory landscape is evolving in the shadow of the current global crisis. Rolotec AG cooperates with AIM Software in the field of Reference Data Management Biel, Pfffikon 45 The Swiss Rolotec AG, an international specialist for tailor made financial software solutions, has announced to enter into a strategic partnership with AIM Software, a leading provider of golden copy solutions for the finance industry. With this partnership, Rolotec extends the offering for its clients in the field of reference data integration. UCITSCheck: The new compliance solution from SIX Telekurs and CETRELSecurities Zurich, Switzerland UCITSCheck handles the pre-trading securities checks required by the UCITS Directive. On the basis of VDF data from SIX Telekurs, the new compliance solution can provide a unique eligibility evaluation for over 85 percent of all requested financial instruments. Bo Nordlander to take over as head of SIX Telekurs in the Nordic countries Zurich, Switzerland Bringing a proven leadership track record, Bo Nordlander is to take over as head of the Nordic subsidiaries of SIX Telekurs with effect from January 1, 2010. Interim Chief Executive Officer Bo Strandberg will continue his duties on the Board of Directors. SIX Telekurs expands supply of data from Eastern Europe and Central Asia Zurich, Switzerland Due to strong international demand, SIX Telekurs is expanding its supply of data from Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The expansion begins with the Russian provider, Russian Trading System (RTS Exchange), whose data is now being transmitted in real time. SIX Telekurs an early adopter of the consolidated NASDAQ OMX Global Index Stamford, CT/USA With the availability of the NASDAQ OMX Global Index Data ServiceSM, SIX Telekurs customers enjoy the benefits of enhanced descriptive data for improved transparency. SIX Telekurs expands in the USA and opens an office in San Francisco, CA. Stamford, CT/USA: To better serve a growing customer base on the West coast of the United States, SIX Telekurs has opened an office in San Francisco. Xignite partners with SIX Telekurs to provide on-demand global equity market data Stamford, CT/USA Web services delivery of intraday quotes from global exchanges will allow customers worldwide to power websites and applications over the Internet. SIX Telekurs and Compliance Science offer expanded Risk Measurement Data to Compliance Departments Stamford, CT/USA To help ensure the broadest coverage and highest quality insider trading surveillance services, Compliance Science has integrated additional security issue and issuer data from SIX Telekurs into its Personal Trading Control Center - PTCC. SIX Telekurs Reaches a Milestone in Intraday NAV Deliveries SIX Telekurs has reached the milestone of delivering 30 000 intraday fund prices through the Funds Fast Module of its Intraday Pricing Service. SIX Telekurs partners with AG-Financial Network Ltd Zurich, Switzerland AG-Financial Network Ltd (AGFN) and SIX Telekurs have signed an agreement for pursuing a strategy of common expansion in Eastern Europe, Greece, and Cyprus. The agreement allows AGFN to offer to its existing and potential clients international financial market data drawing from the major products and the unique database of SIX Telekurs. ING-DiBa chooses SIX Telekurs as provider Frankfurt, Germany - SIX Telekurs is successfully carrying out two projects with ING-DiBa, Germanys largest direct bank. At the beginning of April, the revised market information page embedded on the German homepage (wertpapiere. ing-diba. de) was launched in cooperation with Smarthouse Media GmbH. The online brokerage system is now also provided with data from SIX Telekurs. SIX Telekurs launches RIS Trader: Online order routing with real-time data Zurich, Switzerland: SIX Telekurs has recently announced the launch of RIS Trader, an online order routing solution that draws on real-time data from all the worlds major stock exchanges. This innovative solution with its state-of-the-art infrastructure allows banks to provide their customers with fast online order routing without having to set up a special information portal. Users subscribe online to the real-time data they need. With RIS Trader, orders can be generated directly and electronically with a single mouse click. CSV Data Integrated Onto SIX Telekurs Global Securities Pricing Platforms Stamford, CT/ USA: In response to customer needs, SIX Telekurs now offers evaluated pricing for illiquid securities with complex structures from CSV Incorporated (CSV). SIX Telekurs partners with ValueLink London, UK SIX Telekurs and ValueLink have enjoyed a long and suc-cessful history working together with major fund manager and fund ad-ministration clients. Martin Cole, Managing Director of SIX Telekurs U. K. Ltd comments, We are pleased to be one of the vendors of choice amongst an exclusive group to provide a pricing feed to ValueLink so they can generate a scrubbed pricing feed for the fund administration sector. ReferenceDataFactory Integrates Data from SIX Telekurs Stamford, CT / USA, 26 March 2009: SIX Telekurs and ReferenceDataFactory LLC (RDF) have today announced the availability of RDF Adaptive Client Technology for the Valordata Feed. In keeping with its mission to provide out-of-the-box reference data integration solutions, ReferenceDataFactory has added full support for Valordata Feed (VDF), SIX Telekurs flagship securities reference data service. SIX Telekurs continues to expand its Fair Value Pricing Service Zurich Switzerland, 19 March 2009: SIX Telekurs has recently announced the continued expansion of its Fair Value Pricing Service. The leading financial data vendor has just released version 2.2 of the service, which offers highly transparent valuations for fixed income securities, and supports clients in adhering to new accounting standards. Read the full text of this media release: Thomas Gross to become head of SIX Telekurs at SIX Group Thomas Gross, the current head of Securities Operations at Credit Suisse, will take over as head of the Financial Information Division of SIX Group from 1 April 2009. He will become Chief Executive Officer of the financial information provider SIX Telekurs and a member of the SIX Group Executive Board. Thomas Gross will succeed Jrg Buser, who has been heading the Financial Information Division on a temporary basis. Read the full text of this media release: SIX Group acquires stake in CETREL Zurich/Luxembourg - SIX Group Ltd, Zurich shall acquire a 50 stake in CETREL S. A. Luxembourg at the end of January 2009. The two parties signed a corresponding agreement today. This strategic cooperation is intended to foster the building up of a leading international offer in the field of card-based payment traffic. The aim is to boost CETRELs position in the acquiring business in the Grande Region of Luxembourg, while expanding the international issuing processing offer of both CETREL and SIX Group in Europe. The provision of central services to enhance the competitiveness of the financial center Luxembourg shall remain among CETRELs core duties. Read the full text of this media release: SIX Telekurs hits the 5 million mark Zurich / Switzerland - SIX Telekurs recently announced that its world-class database now covers information on over 5 million international financial instruments. This impressive total is a significant milestone for the company. Not only is it successfully positioning itself as a challenge to the larger players in the market, it also shows that the significant structural changes the company has undergone in the last year have very much paid off. Read the full text of this media release: New name and a new logo for Telekurs Financial: From Telekurs Financial to SIX Telekurs Zurich / Switzerland - Telekurs Financial Ltd officially unveiled its new name and logo today, following the re-branding of its parent company, the SIX Group. From now on Telekurs Financial Information Ltd shall be called SIX Telekurs Ltd, a move which represents a significant milestone in the companys history. The new name emphasises the close ties that SIX Telekurs Ltd has with its affiliated companies of the SIX Group and also signifies the increased international focus the organisation has adopted. SIX stands for Swiss Infrastructure and eXchange. Read the full text of this media release: SIX Telekurs and ValuePrice join forces with an innovative valuation pricing concept Metzler Investment GmbH is setting a new benchmark for the financial sector with this fully automated solution and is the first client to use it. Frankfurt/Germany. SIX Telekurs, one of the worlds leading providers of financial information, and the Frankfurt-based valuation specialist ValuePrice AG, have entered into an agreement regarding transparent valuation pricing processes. The two companies are thus facing up to the supervisory requirements in the market, and are offering a service that guarantees independent, transparent and quality-assured valuation of the entire portfolio for all asset classes. Read the full text of this media release: Swiss financial market infrastructure provider announces gratifying six-month results and new brand SIX Group Zurich/Switzerland. In the first six months of 2008, Swiss Financial Market Services AG significantly expanded its business activities versus the comparable prior-year period. Higher revenues from the securities services, financial information and payment transactions business fields offset the decline in securities trading activity. Within the framework of its strategy work and integration activities, the Group has developed a new brand strategy. In future, Swiss Financial Market Services AG will operate under the name SIX Group AG. This umbrella brand stands for Swiss Infrastructure and Exchange. The company also plans to introduce substantial fee reductions in the areas of securities trading and related services. As successor to departing Board member Dr. Martin Sieg Castagnola, Dr. Philipp Halbherr, Head of Investment Banking and Member of the Executive Board, Zrcher Kantonalbank, will be proposed as representative of the cantonal banks on the Board of Directors. Read the full text of this media release: Telekurs Financial and Unitek Engineering integrate Market Data Feed (MDF) into Reuters RMDS Zurich/Switzerland - In order to make its broad market data service available via the Reuters platform RMDS, Telekurs Financial now provides an integration service together with its development partner Unitek Engineering. This service is called TRIS (Telekurs RMDS Integration Service), and makes it possible to call up around 3 million actively traded instruments from the Telekurs data universe on existing Reuters RMDS installations. Read the full text of this media release: Download the fact sheet on TRIS (Telekurs RMDS Integration Service): Telekurs Financial co-operates with Bondweb Malaysia to offer Malaysian fair value prices Zurich/Switzerland - Telekurs Financial has signed an agreement with Bondweb Malaysia, Malaysias first Bond Pricing Agency, to integrate Bondwebs fair value prices into Telekurs products. The Malaysian fair value prices are immediately available in Telekurs Valordata Feed VDF) and Intraday Pricing Service (IPS). Read the full text of this media release: BT and Telekurs Financial Announce Global Connectivity Agreement BT today announced it will become a global supplier of connectivity services to Telekurs. Through the Radianz Shared Market Infrastructure, BT will deliver a cost-efficient and flexible solution that enables Telekurs to broaden its geographic reach. Read the full text of this media release: Telekurs Financial Implements IBEI Codes for European Finance Industry Zurich/Switzerland - As European countries increasingly embrace the IBEI (International Business Entity Identifier) code, Telekurs Financial has successfully promoted and implemented this unique standard for the identification of corporate entities an important enabler of straight-through-processing (STP) in cross-border trading. Read the full text of this media release: Excellent 2007 results for SWX Group, SIS Group and Telekurs Group Read the full text of this media release: For more information on Swiss Financial Market Services, please visit sfms VDF Time Series: Extended data offering for Telekurs Valordata Feed from Telekurs Financial Zurich/Switzerland. From March 2008, the new service VDF Time Series will be part of the Valordata Feed data offering. With the time series supplied for 21 simple and more complex quotation types, users will be able to trace back data for up to 10 years. Up until now, only daily valuation prices for various price types have been supplied through Telekurs Financials Valordata Feed (VDF). With the new VDF Times Series service, however, complete time series will now be included in VDF. This will help banks with completing their portfolios by adding the time series for individual instruments. The time series are supplied in VDF format and can be retrieved as an add-on to other VDF deliveries. Since VDF customers have already implemented this format, the launch of the VDF Time Series does not entail any additional work. Eagle Investment Systems Enhances Enterprise Data Management Software with Telekurs VDF Loader Telekurs is pleased to announce the availability of a standard interface between its Valordata Feed (VDFTM) and Eagle Investment Systems data management solution. Eagles solution is an advanced data management platform that provides seamless connectivity and data integration from numerous sources and consolidates it in one location, providing a consistent, high-quality view of investment data. Consolidating security master data on Eagles platform has provided significant benefits to clients, as it allows them to clean, enrich, extract and distribute data to meet diverse and dynamic internal and external reporting and information requirements. Read the full text of this media release: Telekurs iD receives Bronze level of DJ Certification Program Dow Jones Partners Alliances awarded Telekurs iD the Bronze level of the Dow Jones Certification program Dow Jones Company publishes the worlds most vital business, financial and economic news and information in more formats than any other publisher. The Companys business publications and services draw on the talents of nearly 1,900 news staff who work from 129 bureaus in 94 cities around the globe. Since its founding in 1882, the Dow Jones name has been synonymous with accuracy, integrity and trust. Dow Jones News are available in Telekurs iD. According to Dow Jones, the implementation of Hot Headlines in Telekurs iD was the criteria to award the Bronze level. Other innovative features in Telekurs iDs news offering (DJ, AWP and 10 other news providers) also bring added-value to the news reader: News in different languages Saving search (Preset) News search by Original Topics, e. g. Aluminium Navigation from listing to related news (right-mouse click) News notation in quotes (News Icon) Scroll Bar for the news headlines window Multiple text windows Alert for news (Watchdog) Date and Time displayed for Headlines Latest headlines News Provider is displayed (e. g. DJN) Vaerdipapircentralen (VP) transfers Nordic clients to Telekurs Financial Copenhagen, Zurich 30 January 2008: Telekurs Financial has signed an agreement with Vaerdipapircentralen (VP), Denmarks Central Security Administration, to take on the clients of VP Financial Information products in the Nordic markets the agreement will become effective retroactively on 1 January 2008. VP has so far acted as a partner of Telekurs Financial in the Nordic markets, this will now be handled by SIX AB. Since 2 October 2007, Telekurs Group has been the majority owner of SIX AB. Read the full text of this media release: Joint media release by SWX Group, SIS Group and Telekurs Group Zurich, 30 December 2007. - Birth of Swiss Financial Market Services AG. SWX Group, SIS Group and Telekurs Group complete merger effective 1.1.2008. Read the full text of this media release: Download the latest issue of the realtime magazine The news magazine of Telekurs Financial covers many aspects of a changing technological and financial environment. Find the latest issue 03/07 (download 2.4 MB) and dont miss the following articles: - Time for a MiFID for corporate actions - Ticino-based asset manager opts for Telekurs iD - Data Management: getting it right with vision To download separate articles of this issue (English, German and French versions), please also visit telekurs-realtime Telekurs Financial adds earning estimates from Zacks Telekurs Financial, one of the leading global providers of financial information, features a wealth of new analysis and fundamental data from the renowned supplier Zacks Investment Research. Effective immediately data from this leading global information provider has been integrated into Telekurs Financials sophisticated market and reference data products. Read the full text of this press release . Telekurs Financial supports implementation of MiFID with comprehensive range of reference data On 1 November 2007, the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) came into force in the 30 member states of the European Economic Area (EEA). With its broad range of MiFID reference data Telekurs Financial is proving to be a reliable global partner to the financial services industry. Read the full text of this media release: Change in the Management Committee of Fininfo SA Farzaneh Deravi has been named as the Managing Director of Fininfo SA by the Fininfo SA Board of Directors with immediate effect. She is replacing Dominique Leblanc in this function, who will continue to support the integration process with Telekurs Financial for a period of six months as the Senior Vice President of Fininfo SA. Read the full text of this media release: Telekurs Financial enters into partnership with Infinancials Telekurs Financial has gained the internationally active company Infinancials as a partner and supplier of business valuation analytics. This information is harnessed for company analyses and comparative valuations of some 50,000 companies. By integrating the data offering of Infinancials, Telekurs Financial is pursuing its aim of positioning itself as an all-round supplier of global financial information. Read the full text of this media release: Competition Commission approves merger of SWX Group, SIS Group and Telekurs Group Read the full text of this media release: Joint media release by SWX Group, SIS Group und Telekurs Group Unanimous approval of merger of SWX Group, SIS Group and Telekurs Group. Read the full text of this press release: Telekurs acquires Fininfo quotfinancial informationquot activities Paris, Zurich, July, 10th 2007 - Telekurs Holding SA and Fininfo SA today signed an agreement whereby Telekurs undertakes to acquire Fininfo financial information activities. This agreement involves all companies from Fininfo financial information department, except Id, company specialized in graphic design and Anthium, a bond-trading company that recently ceased activities. This agreement will enable Telekurs to enlarge its products and services portfolio and will strengthen its position in several countries, especially in France and Scandinavia. The two companies will usefully leverage complementarities, as well for geographic coverage as for offered solutions and services. Read the full text of this press release: Change of command at Swiss Interbank Clearing Ltd. As of July 1, 2007, Martin Frick has taken over management of Swiss Interbank Clearing from Andr Bamat. He will also remain active as the CEO of Telekurs PayNet and will direct both group companies in the future. At the same time, Martin Frick will take a position on the executive board of the Telekurs Group. In December 2006 he was designated as the successor to Andr Bamat, who is retiring after serving at Telekurs for 15 years. Read the full text of this press release: Telekurs Group: New commercial building planned in Biel Rolotec AG and Telekurs Card Solutions Ltd, both part of the Telekurs Group, continue to expand business activities at their Biel location. Thanks to the able assistance of the City of Biel, the Telekurs Groups employee pension fund was successful in acquiring a suitable plot of land at the site of the former Capitol Cinema at 32 Spitalstrasse. By 2009, a new commercial building is to be constructed on the site, comprising apartments, offices and small shops on a total area of 1,119 m2. An overall project competition will be tendered to carry out what is, particularly from an urban planning point of view, a prominent building project. Read the full text of this press release: - German text (25 kb) - English text (48 kb) - French text (48 kb) Finaplex enhances wealth management platform with Telekurs Financials Valordata Feed Finaplex, a leading supplier of wealth relationship management software to some of the worlds most prominent wealth managers, has licensed the Valordata Feed to enhance its wealth management applications solutions. Read the full text of this press release (download 30 kb). SWX Group, SIS Group and Telekurs Group intend to merge The boards of directors of the SWX Group, SIS Group and Telekurs Group have signed a letter of intent to merge the three organisations. Within the framework of the contemplated merger, the business activities of all three companies are to be combined under one roof. Subject to approval by the owners and responsible authorities, the transaction is expected to take effect in early 2008. Read the full text of the joint press release (download 78 kb). Annual report 2006 of Telekurs Group This is an extract of Telekurs Groups Annual report 2006: In 2006, Telekurs Financial Information Ltd achieved overall sales growth of 6 percent, while sales outside Switzerland increased by a doubledigit rate. Continuing development of existing products and the integration of additional data again enabled the firm to meet the ever-increasing demands of financial information users. The preparatory work it carried out in connection with the EUs Market in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) provided renewed testimony of Telekurs Financials skill in supporting market participants in the implementation of new regulatory requirements. Download the full version (1.06 MB) of Telekurs Groups Annual report 2006. More language versions (German, French, Italian) can be found on telekurs . Change of command at Telekurs Financial Marc Carletti will assume his duties as CEO of Telekurs Financial on May 1st, 2007, and at the same time, will become a Member of the Telekurs Group Executive Committee. He was been the designated successor of Eugen Niesper since the beginning of February, who is retiring mid-year after a 20-year career at Telekurs, 10 of which he headed the Group company, Telekurs Financial. Read the full text of this press release (download 44 kb). Telekurs Financial Technology Drives International ETF Valuations on the American Stock Exchange Zurich, Switzerland. Telekurs Financial expands ETF calculation business in the US, with international funds listed on the American Stock Exchange. Read the full text of this press release (download 41 kb) The Telekurs Group further strengthens its market position in 2006 The year 2006 saw the Telekurs Group hold its own convincingly in a challenging environment. As Walter Wirz, CEO of the Telekurs Group, puts it The SIS Groups computer centers were integrated into Telekurss computer center operations, Switzerlands two largest retailers were supplied with the new davinci payment terminals, and data input operations in India were expanded. The Groups major financial performance indicators all showed positive progress on the year. Sales rose 8 to CHF 697.8 million. Operating earnings were up 12, at CHF 64.2 million, while consolidated Group net income climbed 38 to CHF 77.7 million. These encouraging results confirm the Telekurs Groups dynamism in all its three business areas (Card-based Payment Systems, Electronic Payment Systems and Financial Information Services). Read the full text of this press release (download 42 kb) New feature for Swiss customers: Hemscott Company Fundamentals With immediate effect, Swiss customers who use Telekurs iD java are now able to access the offering of an additional key supplier of fundamental company data. Hemscott Company Fundamentals publishes the key group/balance sheet figures of UK and US-listed companies as well as profit estimates and forecasts from numerous analysts. The service also offers management information, business addresses and links to company homepages. Fact reports in PDF format provide a detailed overview of company performance and interim financial results including geographic sales analyses, profit estimates and forecasts from stockbrokers and analysts based at Merrill Lynch, UBS, Citigroup, etc. The Hemscott Company Fundamentals data offering is subject to a charge. Swiss Telekurs iD customers can take advantage of a free trial period that runs until 16 May 2007. Contact: sales. tkftelekurs PayNet (Schweiz) AG becomes Telekurs PayNet AG From 1 April 2007, the PayNet (Schweiz) AG, active in the field of electronic invoice and payment systems, now trades under the name of Telekurs PayNet AG. Read the full text of the press release of Telekurs PayNet AG. a company of the Telekurs Group (download 19 kb). Download the latest issue of the realtime magazine with a special MiFID supplement The news magazine of Telekurs Financial covers many aspects of a changing technological and financial environment. Find the latest issue 01/07 (download 3.2 MB) and dont miss the following articles: - Innovation in derivatives settlement at Bank Julius Baer - A new quality level for bond fair values - Fundamental analysis in Telekurs iD . Global with a local focus - Viennas financial market: Swept along by eastward expansion To download the entire issue or separate articles (English, German and French versions), please visit telekurs-realtime In response to growing customer requirements a special MiFID brochure has been published together with this issue of realtime . To download the entire brochure or separate articles (English, German and French versions), please visit telekurs-mifid Our readers will discover at a glance whats happening in the world of finance and technology. German Savings Banks and Brse Dsseldorf receiving data from Telekurs Financial The savings banks of Gelsenkirchen, Kamen, Hamm and Unna as well as the Dsseldorf stock exchange have opted for the comprehensive range of international financial information offered by Telekurs Financial. This data is accessed via Telekurs iD intelligent Display, a tool that is proving an indispensable source of information for a growing number of banks and other companies. Read the full text of this press release (download 25 kb) Mellon Selects Valordata Feed from Telekurs Financial Mellon Financial, a global financial services company, has chosen the Valordata Feed from Telekurs Financial as part of its enterprise-wide, global reference data infrastructure. Read full text of this press release (download 31 kb). Market Data Information: New currency in Sudan A new currency was introduced in Sudan. It is valid with immediate effect. The old currency in Sudan, the Sudanese Dinar will remain valid until 1st July 2007. The following rate was fixed: 1 (new) Sudanese Pound (SDG) 100 (old) Sudanese Dinar (SDD). The new currency has been entered into the database as follows: ISO Currency Code alpha: SDG (old: SDD) ISO Currency Code numeric: 938 (old: 736) CH-Valoren: 2959976 (old: 274824) Get an up-to-date overview of Telekurs Financials global data range. For a regular update on the data offering subscribe to Telekurs Financials data newsletter DATAFLASH . Capital market portal quotdb-marketsquot, Dresdner Kleinwort and n-tv receiving data from Telekurs Financial Frankfurt/Main - Telekurs Financial has gained further customers in the field of web-based financial applications. These now also include the db-markets capital market portal, the derivatives websites of Dresdner Kleinwort and the internet portal of the news channel n-tv. Read full text of this press release (download 26kb). Michael Frank appointed as Managing Director of Telekurs (Nederland) BV As of 1 April 2007, Michael Frank will head Telekurs (Nederland) BV while continuing to perform his function as Managing Director of Telekurs (Deutschland) GmbH and of the Austrian branch office in Vienna. Read the full text of this press release (download 21 KB). Market Data Information: new exchange codes for European exchange for structured products The joint venture of the SWX Group and Deutsche Brse AG for structured products, which operates in Switzerland under the name of SWX Quotematch AG and in Germany under the name of Brse Frankfurt Smart Trading AG will cause a consolidation of data delivery. This will necessitate the following changes effective 1st July 2007 : All warrants (security type: 22 / M) and hybrids (security type: 6), which are currently delivered on exchange codes 4, 349, 351, 352, 380 and 504 will be migrated to the new exchange code 880 . New group codes and listing classifications will be opened and allocated to these instruments. Further details will follow as soon as more information will be made available by SWX Group and Deutsche Brse AG. Get an up-to-date overview of Telekurs Financials global data range. For a regular update on the data offering subscribe to Telekurs Financials data newsletter DATAFLASH . Press release: Telekurs Financial represented in the MENA region Telekurs Financial signs contract with Dubai-based company Telenet Systems to service clients in the Arabic-speaking countries. Read full text of this press release (download 24 KB) Market Data Information: New currency code for Uruguayan Peso In addition to the existing official currency code for the Uruguayan Peso (CH-Valoren 56689, Telekurs Currency Code numeric: 949, ISO Curreny Code numeric: 858, ISO Currency Code alpha: UYU), a new currency code was introduced effective 20 November 2006. It was announced by the British Standards Institute (BSI), the ISO secretariat in charge of the assignment of new currency codes in line with ISO4217. The new currency has been entered into the database as follows: Telekurs Currency Code numeric: 956 Telekurs Currency Code alpha: UYI ISO Currency Code alpha: UYI ISO Currency Code numeric: 940 CH-Valoren: 2800840 The new currency code UYI is used only for issuance of debt instruments by the Uruguayan government in the international global bond market. As for the exchange rates UYU will remain as the official currency of Uruguay. Get an up-to-date overview of Telekurs Financials global data range. For a regular update on the data offering subscribe to Telekurs Financials data newsletter DATAFLASH . Press release: New CEO of Telekurs Financial appointed by Telekurs Group Mr Marc Carletti has been appointed as CEO of Telekurs Financial Information Ltd. and concurrently as Member of the Telekurs Group Executive Committee. Marc Carletti has been active for around 20 years in various management functions at Reuters, most recently since 2004 as Managing Director of Reuters France and President of Reuters Financial Software. Read the full text of this press release (download 46 KB). Telekurs Twing officially registered at Transat 6.50 Telekurs Financial is proud to announce that Telekurs Twing, a purpose-built saling boat, has been officially registered for the Transat 6.50 yacht race in 2007. In autumn 2007, Jacques Valente a sales executive with Telekurs Financial will sail single-handed with Telekurs Twing in the yacht race from La Rochelle in France to Salvador da Bahia in Brazil. You can find more technical information on the Notice of Race (pdf, download 208 KB) and the eco-sailors charter (download 62 KB). Or simply visit . In addition, realtime . the client magazine of Telekurs Financial publishes a regular feature about Jacques Valentes preparations for the challenging yacht race. Dont miss the next issue of the realtime magazine. New release of Telekurs iD mobile The new release of Telekurs iD mobile will go live on 7th December 2006 between 07:30 and 08:00 a. m. Telekurs iD mobile users will be notified via a message that the new release is available and how it can be downloaded. LMEmini contracts in Telekurs Financials products The London Metal Exchange (LME) has launched small-size, cash settled, monthly futures contracts, traded electronically and via the telephone market. Initially for copper, aluminium and zinc from 4 December 2006. LMEminis offer the market a new contract which is accessible, transparent and simple to trade. In addition, being cash-settled, the contracts are built on the reputation, credibility and liquidity of the existing LME contracts. You can find out more information about the LMEmini contracts under lme/lmemini. asp . New Valordata display features Telekurs Financial is pleased to announce a number of enhancements to the Valordata service for reference and corporate actions data. This document provides a summary of the main new functions and data content. These new features refer to the presentation used in the Valordata browser. Appearance and navigation may vary slightly between the various products. The new data content will be available in all display products from 27 November 2006. New links and search parameters are scheduled to be integrated into Telekurs iD in the first 2007 minor release. Read the full description of the new release (download 290 KB). Telekurs Financial - Most innovative Data Aggregator In conjunction with feedback from leading analyst firms and consultants covering the wholesale transaction banking space, the magazine financial-i has compiled a list of companies it considers to be innovation leaders in categories encompassing: - Securities services - Treasury FX - Network services - Risk management - Data management In the category Data Management Telekurs Financial has been nominated to be the most innovative data aggregator of the year 2006. Please read here the full text of the press release . Shareholders letter 2006 The Telekurs Group achieved numerous strategic goals in the current year and further improved its positioning. Transaction volumes for the most important services grew positively while the cost base was effectively improved. From the present perspective, both the Groups operating income and the financial result lie well above the prior year. Contributing to the good result are the extraordinary earnings from the IPO (Initial Public Offering) of MasterCard International. Read the fulll text of the Shareholders letter 2006 (download 57 KB). Pressemitteilung: Telekurs Group am Zuercher Finance Forum 2006 Am diesjhrigen Finance Forum in Zrich motivierte die Telekurs-Gruppengesellschaft Telekurs Financial zahlreiche Messebesucher zu einer innovativen Aktion: Ein am Messestand abgegebener Schrittzhler registrierte die geleisteten Schritte der Teilnehmer zugunsten eines Schweizer Kinderhilfswerks. Lesen Sie den Volltext dieser Pressemitteilung (Download 53 KB). Around 520 participants of Telekurs Group at the Finance Forum Sponsor road race On Sunday around 520 participants of Telekurs Group joined the 6th Finance Forum Sponsor road race, the biggest sports charity event of the Swiss financial world. The event was organized by the Finance Forum and attracted a total of 1400 participants. Other financial service providers, such as Siemens (Switzerland) or Zurich Cantonalbank, also sent their staff to the road race. The Finance Forum organization made a donation to the Swiss charity fund Kinderschutz Schweiz for each race round achieved. A total of 180000 Swiss francs were donated to the charity fund. Press release: first steps towards MiFID readiness Telekurs Financial announces today its initial plans for the introduction of reference and market data designed to help clients address the challenges posed by the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID). Read the full text of this press release (download 30 KB). Download the latest issue of the realtime magazine The news magazine of Telekurs Financial covers many aspects of a changing technological and financial environment. dont miss the following articles: - Using VDF to service the needs of the UK financial industry - Telekurs iD delivers added value to customer advisory - The coming challenges for reference data - Singapore: A private banking tiger To download the entire issue or separate articles (English, German and French versions), please visit telekurs-realtime . Our readers will discover at a glance whats happening in the world of finance and technology. Market Data Information: New currency code assigned to Serbian Dinar Due to the division of the former Serbia-Montenegro into two independent countries, Serbia and Montenegro, the National Bank of Serbia has requested the assignment of new currency codes for the Serbian Dinar. According to an official BSI announcement (ISO 4217 Amendment Number 134) dated 25 October 2006, new currency codes (alpha/numeric) will be introduced and become effec-tive on 25 October 2006. Telekurs code numeric: 893 Serbian Dinar Telekurs code alpha: RSD ISO code alpha: RSD ISO code numeric: 941 CH-NSIN (Valoren-number): CH:2770649 The pertinent reference and domain meta data will be provided with the Sunday delivery on 26 November, 2006. Please take note that the new currency codes only refer to Serbia, whereas in Montenegro the Euro is used (ISO code numeric: 978, ISO code alpha: EUR). Get an up-to-date overview of Telekurs Financials global data range. For a regular update on the data offering subscribe to Telekurs Financials data newsletter DATAFLASH . Market Data Information: Change of currency for securities traded at Cyprus Stock Exchange The Cyprus Stock Exchange (exchange code: 299) will share a common trading platform with the Athens Stock Exchange as from 30 October 2006. According to the Exchange instruments on EC 299 will not be priced and traded any longer in Cyprus pounds (CYP / currency code 224) but in euro effective 30 October 2006. The prices of the relevant securities will be adjusted and the currency changed to euro. The Cyprus Stock Exchange announces that in view of the launch of the Common Platform on Monday, October 30, 2006, it decided to suspend the trading of all listed securities on Thursday, October 26, 2006 and Friday, October 27, 2006, pursuant to Articles 183 and 184 of the CSE Law. This was deemed necessary for the completion of all activities and controls required to secure a smooth transfer to the new environment and the new systems, updating the CSE software and the Members with the investors data. The trading of the listed securities will commence on Monday, October 30, 2006 at 10.00 am in the new environment of the Common CSE-ASE Platform. Get an up-to-date overview of Telekurs Financials global data range. For a regular update on the data offering subscribe to Telekurs Financials data newsletter DATAFLASH . Telekurs iD release 2006-1 is now live Here is a summary of the new features that await you: Display enhancements: - Fade in/out for the title bar - Client logo can be integrated - Enhanced tool tips with additional fields - Choice of blue or red background colour for refreshed quotes - Revised content and new look for single quote - Regional formats Improved quick search New list type with several columns in one list New list type with multiple lists Lists: Convert prices into foreign currency Enhanced style editor (now with integrated search function) New matrix viewer for displaying forex data New quote fields in chart function Charts now display yield curves New calendar for date selection Single quote: Greater data depth for the SWX and the LSE (level 2) Ticker: More data fields to choose from Securities data: D-U-N-S number for corporate structure identification New user preferences Enhanced display of your own entitlements New groups level for users New screen paging mode for automatic screen sequences New screens: - Analyses (in the Advisory folder) - London Metal Exchange LME (in the Markets folder) - Eastern Europe overview (in the Markets folder) - Sports news (in the News folder) Further information: Telekurs iD Newsletter Faster informed by Dow Jones News in Telekurs iD The Newsbeat published by our partner Dow Jones shows how fast our clients get relevant information. At the same time Dow Jones published its news about the Rosneft IPO, it could be viewed in the News window of Telekurs iD . New release of Telekurs iD mobile is now available The new release 1.0.7 of Telekurs iD mobile is now executable on the latest generation BlackBerry devices 8700 and 8707 ( UMTS ). More information about Telekurs iD mobile is available in the PRODUCTS section or via this link . Telekurs Financial supplies company data from Hemscott To expand its data offering for investment advisors and analysts, Telekurs Financial has signed an agreement with the UK supplier Hemscott . This involves corporate data focusing on: Full annual financials for UK and US listed companies Detailed profit and loss, balance sheet and cashflow data Consensus and individual broker forecasts for UK quoted companies Selected business ratios Initially, the data will be supplied to the Swiss market. Like the stock analysis from theScreener . it will be fully integrated in Telekurs iD . The service will go live at the beginning of next year. For further information about Hemscott, please visit hemscottplc . Telekurs iD for Independent Asset Managers Asset managers need a professional financial display with real-time stock exchange quotations, independent analysis, charting and up-to-date news and all at reasonable cost. So why not take a look at Telekurs iD Telekurs iD has specially been packaged for usage in the asset management. It gives its clients access to a huge range of international data: over 2.7 million instruments from 200 exchanges and 550 contributors await you. Another highlight of Telekurs iD is its intelligent cross-referencing: you can go straight from the quotations to the related corporate actions, ratings and news a wealth of information at the click of a mouse. Whats more, with Telekurs iD youre not tied to your office: the traveller version will keep you fully in the picture, wherever you switch on your laptop. The most important information for asset managers: Client portfolios are updated in real time and are linked directly to the latest business news Stock analysis from theScreener Historical time series and professional charting Dynamic data export via DDE link in Excel User-friendly search functions to help you research Level 2 data Order Book Do you like to see the details Please download the fact sheet (in German, English, French or Italian ) and the brochure . For more information about Telekurs iD . please visit telekursid . Download the latest issue of the realtime magazine Telekurs Financials news magazine covers many aspects of a changing technological and financial environment. Find the latest issue 02/06 (download 1.01 MB) and dont miss the following articles: - Intraday Pricing Service in the Swiss repo market - Special dossier: Level 2 - Interdealer brokerage: A liquidity provider that charts the future - highlights of Telekurs Financials events, products and markets To download the entire issue or separate articles (English, German and French versions), please visit telekurs-realtime . Our readers will discover at a glance whats happening in the world of finance and technology. New Valordata display features Telekurs Financial is pleased to announce a number of enhancements to the Valordata service for reference and corporate actions data. Here is a summary of the main new features concerning both functions and data content. 100th iDealunch in Zurich On 21st April Telekurs Financial celebrated its 100th iDealunch at the Convention Point of SWX Swiss exchange . The representatives from major Swiss banks, insurance companies and other financial institutions were invited to the celebration and brought a special toast to the long lasting success of this special client event. And there was more. for the first time, the invited guests were able to discover Telekurs Financials new offering of Tullett Prebon inter-dealer-broker data. Tullett Prebon Information Ltd is the leading provider of real-time price information from the wholesale inter-dealer brokered financial markets. iDealunches are regularly held in Zurich, Geneva and Basel and for this year also in France, Austria and Germany. The combination of a quick training session with a lunch buffet attracts many users of the global financial information display Telekurs iD . 2005: Successful anniversary year for the Telekurs Group Telekurs Group, which is active in the fields of card-based payment transactions, electronic payment systems and international financial information, was able to celebrate both its 75th anniversary and a successful business year in 2005 with positive growth. Telekurs Group earned an operating profit of 57 million francs before interest and taxes, which is 6 higher than in the previous year. Read the full text of Telekurs Groups press release. Download the latest issue of the realtime magazine Telekurs Financials news magazine covers many aspects of a changing technological and financial environment. Find the latest issue 01/06 (download 1.25 MB) and dont miss the following articles: Weblogs in corporate communications: hype or help Lunchtime with Telekurs iD Telekurs iD in use at Zurich Cantonal Bank and the latest facts about Events, Products and Markets of Telekurs Financial To download the entire issue or separate articles (English, German and French versions), please visit telekurs-realtime . Our readers will discover at a glance whats happening in the world of finance and technology. Market Data Information: SWX Swiss Exchange disseminates order book data The SWX Swiss Exchange will start disseminating level 2 data as from 22 May 2006. The order book data will consist of the 10 best bid/ask quotes plus their respective sizes and will be available on exchange codes 4, 349, 351, 352 and 504. Level 2 data for SWX is - for the time being - subject of the level 2 virt-x entitlement. This data will be available in Telekurs Financials display products . Get an up-to-date overview of Telekurs Financials global data range. For a regular update on the data offering subscribe to Telekurs Financials data newsletter DATAFLASH . Market Data Information: Change in Mozambique currency A currency reform will be carried out in Mozambique effective 1 July. The current currency description will be changed from Metical MZM to Metical MZN. As from 1 July the new currency will be listed in Telekurs Financials data base as such: Telekurs currency code numeric: 637 Telekurs currency code alpha: MZN ISO-Code numeric: 943 ISO-Code alpha: MZN CH-Valoren number: 2476324 The ratio between the old and the new Metalic is 1000:1 Get an up-to-date overview of Telekurs Financials global data range. For a regular update on the data offering subscribe to Telekurs Financials data newsletter DATAFLASH . Market Data Information: New Forex Data in Telekurs iD Since the beginning of this week, the following new Currency Basis Swaps by Tullett Prebon are availabe in Telekurs Financials financial information display Telekurs iD : - Turkish Lira (TRY) against USD - New Zealand Dollar (NZD) against USD This data will be featured in separate Telekurs iD lists. As from 10 April 2006, Tullett Prebon will further complete its interest rate swap coverage by adding non-deliverable IRS in: - Chinese Renminbi - Indian Rupia - Korean Won - Malaysian Ringgit - Philippine Peso - Taiwanese Dollar Respective instrument lists will be available in Telekurs iD . (real-time data only available in the Advisory Package of Telekurs iD ). Volatility index VLEU in real-time Since 15th March Telekurs Financial offers the volatility index VLEU in real-time to its clients of market data products. The relevant real-time data is available under exchange code 202. The VLEU represents the fluctuation of the stocks in the next 45 days expected by market participants. For each Swiss stock traded on Eurex six at-the-money call options with 45 days to maturity are chosen. By the prices of these options and the estimates of Bank Leu the VLEUsubindices are calculated. These are summarized to the VLEUoverall index according to the trading volume of the last ten trading days. Get an up-to-date overview of Telekurs Financials global data range. For a regular update on the data offering subscribe to Telekurs Financials data newsletter DATAFLASH . Market Data Information: exchange codes for NYSE Telekurs Financial notifies its market data clients of an important change. The following name changes come into force with immediate effect: old name: EC 65 / NYS / New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) new name . EC 65 / NYX / NYSE Group Inc. (NYSE) old name: EC 68 / BON / New York Stock Exchange, Bonds new name . EC 68 / NYD / NYSE Group Inc. (NYSE Bonds) old name: EC 69 / PAC / Pacific Stock Exchange Arch. SE new name . EC 69 / NAR / NYSE Group Inc. (NYSE Arca) Get an up-to-date overview of Telekurs Financials global data range. For a regular update on the data offering subscribe to Telekurs Financials data newsletter DATAFLASH . You may also read this weblog entry: NYSE-share rises 24 percent on first trading day Subscribe to SME news from AWP Since 1 February, subscribers to AWP-News through our display products have had the opportunity to try out this agencys interesting pool of information on Swiss second-line stocks and SMEs free of charge. No other news agency offers such a wealth of information. Does the product appeal to you If so, why not move quickly and tell your financial information sourcing unit that you would like to subscribe to AWPs SME news service If the order is placed by 31 March 2006 your company will benefit additionally: The supplier, AWP AG fr Wirtschaftspublikationen, is offering a further two months free access to the SME news service on top of each one-year subscription. To confirm your order, we just need your company name, customer number and user ID. Simply send an e-mail to sales. tkftelekurs . Telekurs Financial will be present at the 8th quotJournee Solutions Bancairesquot The Geneva branch of Telekurs Financial will be present at the 8th Journe Solutions Bancaires. This major banking technology event of Western Switzerland will be held next Wednesday, 15 March. At booth no 39 visitors will be able to discover how the new product functionalities and data offering of the financial information display Telekurs iD is improving working efficiency not only in the back office but increasingly also in the front and middle office. More information can be found at unicore. ch (only in French). Telekurs iD is also presented at the regular iDealunches in major financial cities such as Zurich, Geneva, Frankfurt or Paris. EU interest taxation: alternative classification method designed for Swiss Banks The Swiss Bankers Association has introduced an alternative classification system for financial instruments which fall under the European Union taxation of savings income. This new classification method especially developed for Switzerland will allow investment funds and hybrid instruments for which there is no self-declaration by the provider or issuer - and which are therefore flagged as unknown - to be classified as out of scope in Switzerland. Telekurs Financial offers the information platform for the interested parties. Only paying agents domiciled in Switzerland or Liechtenstein that are subject to Swiss banking law can make use of this facility. These paying agents transmit their requests for an out-of-scope classification via Telekurs Finanancials website enclosing the relevant prospectus or term sheets. Telekurs Financial will then submit the applications to the panel of experts responsible for classification. This body, which is made up of representatives of the Swiss Bankers Association . the Federal Tax Administration and the Swiss Funds Association . decides whether an out-of-scope classification should be approved, and makes its decisions known by publishing the minutes of its meetings. You may also read this feature which focuses, among others, on how the Swiss financial industry applies the current EU Directive on savings income (download, pdf 43 kb). How Swiss paying agents implement the EU interest taxation on savings income In June 2003 the European Union (EU) published a Directive on the taxation of savings income, which came into force on 1 July 2005. The aim of the Directive is to guarantee effective taxation of cross-border interest payments made to physical persons domiciled in the EU. Given the complexity of the Directive and the bilateral agreement between Switzerland and the EU, implementation represents a major challenge for paying agents, particularly from the standpoint of their computer applications. First, paying agents must precisely identify the actual beneficial owners, a concept that leaves room for endless legal squabbling. Second, they must obtain detailed information relating to interest paid on debt claims (in the widest sense) and by investment funds (which have invested in these debt claims). It goes without saying that, given the various national interpretations, the definition of interest gives rise to difficulties in practice. This is an extract of an article published by the Swiss financial magazine lAgefi. Read the full article . This article is also available in German . French and Italian . Find more documentation about the EU Directive on the taxation of savings income. Welcome to Telekurs Financials weblog - read on Telekurs Financial decided at the end of 2005 to set up a weblog at this company site. A new addition to the news window, it will feature Telekurs news on products, services and events enriched with content from the banking, high tech and business sectors. In collaboration with Telekurs software subsidiary Rolotec AG, Telekurs Financial developed the weblog in the course of a rapid two-month project. During the first stage, the weblog editor used a test blog to gain experience with the new news format and become familiar with the very easy-to-use content management system. Posting frequency soon rose sharply, often reaching two weblog news entries per day. The technical integration of the weblog into the existing website was equally quick and problem-free. Telekurs Financials corporate weblog at now serves customers and other interested people as a source of useful information on the latest issues from the IT and banking worlds. Trial-period for AWP-News SME service As of today, all subscribers are entitled to two months free access to AWP-News the service for news about small and medium-sized enterprises. Each day the stock markets are open, you will find up to 30 reports and evaluations in German and French on the key events in the Swiss SME sector. Weekly market reports and exclusive ratings from the SME rating agency round out the offering. You can find the SME news in the news window of your display product marked AWP. In the Applet version of Telekurs iD you can set an additional filter: Screens, Global Screen, News, AWP, Small and medium-sized Companies. You will find further information on the AWP-News SME service in the following factsheets available for download in which you can download here in German . English . French and Italian . PEP-Check at Liechtenstein Financial Market Authority Liechtensteins Financial Market Authority (FMA) is an independent regulatory authority for participants in the financial market of the Principality of Liechtenstein. The FMA has been using Telekurs Financials PEP-Check application since December 2005. PEP-Check lets financial institutions investigate their potential and current clients using publicly available lists known as blacklists and PEP lists. With PEP-Check, comparison tests can be done either in the form of ad-hoc queries or in batch mode to check a financial institutes entire clientele. The use of PEP-Check at the FMA is the result of close collaboration between the regulator and the financial data provider. The FMA has been providing client information (blacklists) to Telekurs Financial since the start of 2005 these are integrated into PEP-Check and thus made available to all interested financial institutions. Now the FMA also has the ability to verify the information quickly and efficiently with its own PEP-Check application and the sophisticated search options it features. AWP International a news service for the Swiss and Liechtenstein community From 16 January 2006, users of the AWP service in Switzerland and Liechtenstein will enjoy the benefits of an enhanced international reporting service in German language. The Swiss company AG fr Wirtschafts-Publikationen (AWP) will be launching an expanded international premium service under the new AWP International brand. This service is based on the news supplied by AWPs two international partner agencies Dow Jones Newswires and dpa-AFX. AWP International is an international news service tailored to the needs of the Swiss and Liechtenstein financial community. The service contains newsflashes and reports, analysis and background from all areas of the global economy. The comprehensive corporate reporting feature covers Europe, the USA and Asia (primarily Japan). In addition, AWP International spotlights events on the markets and in the financial sector as a whole in western and eastern Europe, the USA, Asia and Latin America. International news on macroeconomic developments and economic policy-making are also key features of the new premium service. The offering is completed by a host of ancillary services such as a calendar function, press reviews, summaries and synopses. A clear and transparent structure makes it easy for users to follow events during the course of the day. AWPs schedule for regular news will give you more insight into the news offering. AWP news are available in the display products of Telekurs Financial. TKLink to become Finance IPNet Finance IPNet is the new extranet solution enabling customers of Telekurs Financial to access the financial information products Telekurs iD . Valordata Feed and Market Data Feed. In December 2005, all customers from Switzerland and Liechtenstein completed the migration from the former extranet TKLink to Finance IPNet successfully and without having to devote any technical resources to it. Finance IPNet provides IP connectivity between the customer and Telekurs Financial. By switching to Finance IPNet, all financial information products and services plus the services of the other Telekurs Group companies can be accessed via a single data connection. Compared with the previous TKLink, Finance IPNet offers several new features for efficient data transmission: Customers of Telekurs Financial can now choose between various connection profiles (from 64/64 kbps to 34 Mbps) for retrieving data. The choice of provider enables the customer to retrieve data from Swisscom or sunrise via Finance IPNet or from both providers simultaneously. Telekurs Financial has two access points for each provider hence there is adequate redundancy. Data transmission between the customer and Telekurs Financial is encrypted in line with state-of-the-art security standards. In addition to technical efficiency, Finance IPNet entails economic benefits for our customers too. Finance IPNet offers better value for money with lower costs for the same bandwidth. Moreover, a single data link can be used for all Telekurs Group services (financial information, payment transactions, bank clearing SIC), thus generating even more cost savings for our customers. Telekurs Financial is confident that Finance IPNet will prove to be a modern and secure standard for transmitting financial information. New release of Telekurs iD mobile goes live With the new release Telekurs iD mobile is now operational for BISServices (Black Berry Internet Service), thus Telekurs iD mobile will also be running on devices without Blackberry Enterprise Solution. Our mobile clients will also benefit from the following new features: Improved Instrument Search: the search button is now replaced by an entry within the Thumbwheel Navigation menu. Search results (instruments) are now sorted by turnover and the corresponding market place . A new News Search functionality is available within the Thumbwheel Navigation menu. The search supports topic . date and time selection. The display for spot-und cross-rates now features NAME, TREND, BID, ASK and TIME. You can find more information about Telekurs iD mobile on this fact sheet . Future improvements to Market Data Feed Telekurs Financial is pleased to report that the ongoing project to upgrade the Market Data Feed (MDF) has seen the successful implementation of the feed prototype. The new infrastructure upgrade will reduce typical latency to as little as 15ms over the whole processing cycle and open up a range of new delivery options for clients. It is scheduled to be implemented from June 2006 to April 2007, with initial coverage including the top 40 global stock exchanges by data volume. The resultant additional capacity will mean that the complete range of 2.5m securities covered by Telekurs Financial will benefit from the infrastructure change. Telekurs Financial data will continue to be delivered seamlessly in a fully integrated and cross-referenced format, but there will be some new delivery options available to clients as well as the existing methods: Clients will now be able to take local data directly from their local Telekurs Financial data collection centre, without data being passed first to Telekurs Financials central database. A complete (validated but unfiltered) high bandwidth, tick-by-tick delivery covering the global data universe. A solution tailored to the clients requirements, with bandwidth content adjusted accordingly. A bandwidth-optimised feed expressly designed for display applications, e. g. for Telekurs iD . Clients will be able to use the new MDF infrastructure to take exchange feeds directly, and integrate those feeds with the MDF feed, where a direct feed from a local exchange is required by the client. Telekurs Financial is proud of its data consolidation, integration, filtering and validation expertise and is keen to bring these qualities further into the real-time market. By offering a range of delivery options, Telekurs Financial aims to work in partnership with its clients and prospects to make sure that clients know exactly what data they will receive and what latency can be expected. The latency figures quoted above have been achieved with tests clients in Switzerland integrating data from the following stock exchanges: European Warrants Exchange (EUWAX) Swiss Exchange (SWX) North American Securities Dealers Autoquote (NASDAQ) Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) The new Telekurs Financial delivery architecture will include a flexible system known as predefined volume disposition . In times of financial or economic turbulence, exceptional trading volumes may appear and under these circumstances, bandwidth allocation will be dynamically redistributed in an automated and transparent manner to ensure clients continue to receive critical data from the areas affected. The algorithms involved will take into account regional data preferences and will be discussed in detail with all MDF clients. Telekurs Financial continues to innovate in financial data markets and looks forward to extending its reputation for consistency, integrity, transparency and punctuality to the benefit of clients who need real time real-time data. press release: new version of Telekurs iD offers considerable enhancements As of December 2005, Telekurs iD users have been able to use the expanded functions of the new version. In addition to a number of optimized features and convenient search options for securities subject to EU taxation on interest income, the highlight of this version is the stock analysis from theScreener . which is integrated into the display. To read the entire text of this press release, please click here (download pdf 27kb). Search Categories

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